Thursday, June 11, 2009


This is the last part of this post.. Please read part one and part two first, it is very important.
Where is all of this leading? The end of the dollar's importance in the world? A terrorist attack that cripples us? Chaos in the U.S.? Riots and turmoil in the streets that could lead to martial law? It is all leading to an inevitable one world government, controlled not by the people, but by an elitest group that will control every aspect of world affairs. I know that this is a very dismal outlook, but I am going to give you some good news. Everything that we are experiencing has been talked about before. It was predicted that these things would happen a long time ago. And no it wasn't Nostradamus. The one who predicted all of these things was Jesus Christ himself. He stated in Revelation that a one world government would be setup and put in place. He told us that there would be wars and rumors of wars. He told us that knowledge would accelerate at an unprecedented pace. All of these things are happening right now. The world is being upended and shaken to its very core. Those who have their trust in Jesus know that these things must happen in order for Him to return. I plead with those that read this, please let Jesus be your saviour. He can and will take the turmoil in your life and make your path straight. He can give you a peace in time of trial. God only wants to love you. If you only knew how much love he has for you, you would not be able to turn your back on him again. No matter what you've done, he loves you and wants to share His very being with you. God is not angry with you. His grace and mercy outweigh his wrath. His love outlasts his anger. His compassion for you undoes all the restraints that sin has put on you. Let Jesus in and He will change you. You don't have to try to be "good" because we cannot do it on our own, but through Him we can become what we we meant to be, a people in right standing with a loving God who will supply all of our needs. Pleas consider this before it is too late. Please don't let the world and everything that is going on over take you. Let Christ in and give you hope, while there is still time. no one knows the day or hour of His return, so please be ready. Let Jesus be your saviour.


This is the secomd part of my post. I feel that this part may be even more important than the previous one. We are in imminent danger of an attack on our country that could send us back to the 19th century in terms of our way of life. Iran has successfully placed a sattelite in space. The significance? Now there is a way to attack without warning, anuone they want. The world commnuinty doesn't know what the sattelite is for and the Iranians aren't talking. In 2005 there was a meeting involving the countries of Iran, Syria and Russia, discussing Israel and how to go about removing them from the face of the earth. The problem they have is that noone wants the land destroyed. The land in Israel is the modt fertile and most full of natural resources. Also, they want to be able to get us out of the picture in such a way as we will be unable to stop any agression due to the fact that we are going to be using all of our resources to stay alive within our own borders. How could soem ting like this happen? How could lowly Iran be able to disable the most powerfull country in the world, and defeat Israel at the same time? The answer is simple and has been discussed by every nation it could effect, except for our own. We sit in our arrogance and act like we are untouchable. Were we not attacked in an "impossible scenario" just nine short years ago? Wasn't that supposedly something that could "never happen"? there is an attack impending that will cripple our country if we are not prepared for it. you are thinking " The only thing that could cripple us a a nuke, but Iran doesn't have any nuclear weapons!" Noone is able to say for sure if Iran has them or not. Their biggest ally is now Russia. Iran is supplied weapons and other comodities by Russia, and is would be in Russias best interest for us to be a non factor in the world. But a nuclear strike is not how we are going to meet the end of our world platrofm, well not entirely. The easiest way for Iran to knock us out of the picture is with an EMP strike. Electro-Magnetic Pulse. A nuclear weapon detonated from 80 miles up in the middle of the US can emit a pulse that would destroy all electrical devices in the U.S. southern half of Canada, and all of Mexico. Also, a pulse could take out Israel and all of the surrounding countries. Here are some links that supprt this.
The third one talks about how Iran has been planning this for quite some time. some people think that an EMP only affects items that are either currently in use or plugged in at the time of attack.. Not true!!!!! A pulse will destroy connections between resistors in a microchip. It will destroy the battery in your car, your refridgerators, your air conditouiners, your furnaces, your water and communications. No more cell phones, no more computers, no more communications. Land lines will fail, the water infrastructer will fail. Life as we know it will be over. What can we do to protect ourselves? I knew you were going to ask that. This link explains some of the more practical ways to protect yourself.
Other than the things in the link, you can do some other things to protect yourself. You need to have 3 to 6 months usage of water stored. You need to have at least that much food stored. You need to have warm clothing stored. You need to have some form of monetary funds in your possession. If a pulse takes down the power grid, you will not be able to go to the ATM to get out money to buy anything. If you don't ahve money on you , you will not have any period. You may even think about some sort of home protection. I will wrap this up in the last part of this post


This is going to be a two to three part post about where our country is headed. There may be sceptics out there that will not agree with what I am about to post. The proof is all around us and all you have to do is WAKE UP!!!! The U.S. is headed toward a very dire situation. The path is a very short walk to the demise of what we as citizens take for granted every day. There are many things pushing our great country to the brink of destruction, and I will touch on a few of them here. The first thing is our economy. We all know that it is bad. I am here to tell you that it is going to get worse, far worse than anyone is ready for. The IMF (International Monetary Fund), which was started as a safe guard for world finance, is now issuing bonds to whoever wants to buy them. Brazil, Russia India, and China have all purchased these bonds. "So what?" you say. Well here is the problem. The IMF is currently backed with the U.S. Dollar. The BRIC, as these four countries are called, have all agreed , along with many Arab and European countries, that the IMF needs to have a replacement for the dollar in the "basket". They all want a currency based on Gold ans Silver. Our currency, along with the British Pound, is no longer based purely on gold. Our currency, and in turn our economy, is based on debt. The debt is portrayed in interest rates , stocks bonds and other stock market lies that have been told to us for many years. What does all this mean? It means that we are on our way out in terms of world significance and respect. Our dollar is in the throes of swan song and a nose dive that will not be able to be stopped. The Four BRIC countries stated above, are meeting next week to decide what to use instead of the dollar as the main treasury currency for the IMF. This means that very soon, our currency will be worthless in the world market. No country will want to sell to another if the world at large says that their money is worthless. That means no imports of goods, food and oil. To compare it to something, it would be like going to Walmart and trying to buy something with Monopoly Money. It will be refused. What to do? Invest in gold. I don't mean "Gold Bonds" that our country issues. I mean actual Gold. Have you seen the whole "We pay cash for gold!" campaign? Have you wondered why all of a sudden it is a big deal? Someone knows something. The gold bonds are worthless pieces of paper based on gold that we used to have in our treasury. Our federal gold reserves are as depleted as the rest of our economy. Get you hands on real gold and silver and as much as you can. One big reason is what I will discuss in my next post.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Florida has a unique feature that can only be appreciated if you live here. It is the annual migration of birds. "What type of birds is he speaking of?", you may be asking yourself. While there are many migratory species that move into and out of Florida every year, there is one in particular that really stands out from its peers. That species is the Snowbird. No, I am not referring to the frosty fowl that the illustrious songstress Anne Murray spoke of in her dazzling musical description of a cheating lover. I am referring to the onslaught of people older than 55 that wreaks havoc on our state every year. From approx. the end of October to right around the end of April, this great state becomes a party spot for every 4p.m. dinner special seeker in the universe. If you have never experienced this for yourself, please allow me to describe the chaos that envelopes us while we are "In Season." First off, time seems to slow down. It takes hours to do simple mundane tasks that used to take seconds. Waiting in line to buy one loaf of bread while Harold counts out $10 in dimes and nickles is so much fun. Fast food becomes "You'll get it when it's done." food. Second, driving becomes a hazard. Old people have one speed, 45 mph. That is their speed whether in the fast lane on the interstate, driving on the back roads, or finding a parking spot. Also, they drive like everyone owes it to them to move when they drive near you. I have lost count of the dirty looks I have received from seniors who have pulled out in front of me and then don't like it when I am driving too close to them. "I'm sorry ma'am, was I driving on too much of the road ? Please forgive me for staying in a lane." My last gripe, and I promise it's the last, delves into the rudeness that emanates from the community of elders that plagues us. I have been hit with a walker, pushed by the butt end of a cane, and as you'll remember, cussed at while enjoying a delicious slice of Bravo's Pizza. It seems that courtesy doesn't exist after 60. My wife was in Bob Evan's when a incident occurred that proves my point. A waitress had a tray full of piping hot food, boiling soup and hot chocolate. A nice lady stood up as the waitress went by and knocked the tray out of her and and all over her. Needless to say the waitress suffered what looked to be at least second degree burns. And what did the nice old lady do, she complained to the manager that the waitress had gotten potatoes on her. That's right. There was no "Oh I'm so sorry." or "Please forgive me." or even "Holy crap! Did I do that?" While this poor girl would probably be close to needing a skin graft, the nice old lady was worried about her blouse that was hanging on the back of her chair. She made a big commotion about it and her husband told the waitress that she deserved to lose her job for ruining the blouse. That is par for the course. I may seem to be a little overly upset about this, but i do feel better now that I have vented. If I have offended anyone who is the demographic I have spoken about, please forgive me. Have a safe trip. I'll see you next winter.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Daughter

My daughter is a very interesting case. The child is beautiful like her mother. She acts like me. That is to say that she has some of my more endearing qualities; sense of humor being the main one. The mind of a three year-old girl is a fantastical landscape filled with ponies, princesses, dolls and the like. She is very facinated by the "family group". That is to say, mommies daddies and babies. Everything has a family. The birds, the squirrels, dogs, fish, and toilet paper. You read that right, toilet paper. My daughter, with her amazing God given imagination, loves to make toilet paper families. She has a long one, medium one, short one and very short one, which correspond to the daddy, mommy, sister and baby. She then proceeds to having them intereact with eachother, using voices, pretending that they go on trips and all of them eating dinner together. It is very touching to see her have the mommy sing to the baby and to hear her use the daddy voice to tell the sister he loves her. The only problem I have with it is that she makes a new family almost every day. This puts a damper on the ability to keep toilet paper in the bathroom where it belongs. It really is frustating to go in, do what you do there and then have a empty cardboard thingy because the remnants of what is a necessary tool have been used to give rise to another family in the city of Charminville. I know what you are saying right now "Get the paper that she isn't playing with and use that. Duh!" I did that once. She cried for a long time because the mommy and daddy couldn't swim and that the children would miss their parents. I also blew my nose on the sister once. You would have thought I stabbed my daughter in the heart. She is a very sweet little girl. I am stopping by Sam's Club very soon. I hope 24 rolls will be enough.

Monday, March 30, 2009


It seems that the weekend is never long enough. I love to be at home with my family. Just about the only long period of time that I get to spend with them is the weekend. How and why did we ever come to the conclusion that only two days were sufficient time to get away from work and have the ability to relax? In my experience, Friday night is just about the only time during the weekend that relaxation actually happens. Saturdays are usually full of activities that can't be done during the week, such as lawn mowing, house cleaning, grocery shopping, and many other menial chores that take up most of the day. For us, church is Saturday night (No we're not Seventh Day Adventists), so we have to be out the door by 5:30 6:00 at the latest (which rarely happens). Now I know what you are thinking right now "If you go to church on Saturday, then you have a whole day off on Sunday!" It would appear that way to the untrained eye. Sunday is the day that is used to prepare for Monday. It is the day that all of the problems from work start to seep through the cracks in the dam that have formed from thinking that the weekend in coming to a close. Yeha yeah, I know I am just complaining to hear my own voice, but I think a push should be made to make the weekend last for three or four days. A three day work week sound perfect to me!

Friday, March 20, 2009


I embarrassed my self today at lunch. I was eating my delicious slice of Bravos pizza and was singing to myself. I guess I was a little loud, because this very nice older lady told me , in not the nicest language you could use, to close my yapper. Yes she said yapper, among other french words! I was really shocked. First of all, by this seemingly sweet blue haired woman profanely expressing herself, and second of all by the fact that she did not approve of my chortling. I thought that my rendition Empty Chairs at Empty Tables from the Tony Award winning musical Les Miserables was quite good. Now I know that type of music doesn't suit everyone's taste, but c'mon! That's a good song! And what is this phobia that people have about singing in public? I have started to sing aloud and I get looks from people like I have three heads or four legs! I believe, if you have a song to sing, belt it out! Of course there is the occasional place where propriety is needed, weddings, funerals, state dinners, public trials, but otherwise I think everyone needs to sing out loud at least once a day. My daughter thinks nothing of, at the top of her lungs, singing one of the many worships songs she hears at home, while out in public with us. And I say, more power to her. Let loose that happiness on an unsuspecting grump in the shampoo aisle! Bust out that fire hose of joy, and spray it all over the four cranky old people next to us at Bob Evans! I would rather hear someone singing than someone screaming in my ear! Maybe that's the answer. I will first scream my guts out in a crowded place. That way when I commence to singing, nobody will mind.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sydney Gavan

I know that I said that this blog would be about me, but I feel like I need to do this for someone else first. The little girl to the left is Sydney Gavan. I went to highschool with her mom and dad, Casey and Scott. As a lot of people already know, Sydney was diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia in February. I have not really been in close contact with her parents for many years, but being a parent myself, I really have an ache in my heart for them. I know that they are both wishing that they could take their daughter's place and keep her from the pain and chaos that this type of illness can bring. Seeing child go through what Sydney is bravely facing is a heartbreaking ordeal. Please pray for this family and ask that the Lord would give them a peace and a strength in this time of need. Pray that the Lord will put his hand on them and comfort them and love them. I have been praying for a complete healing for Sydney and that Jesus will do a mighty work in her family. Pleas remeber them and keep them in your prayers. If you would like more info about Sydney, please go to Team Sydney on Facebook.

Here I Am, Finally

I have finally started a blog. Yep. I sure have. A good number of people I know have one of these, and do a good job of keeping up everyone's interest in what they are saying. I hope to do that also. I am not one for really being creative and witty. I have more of a sense that I would like to share some of the things that go on in this vast landscape of my mind. I have many different things going on at once, and i hope that I will be able to portray them to you in some semblence of order, so as to fill you in on the inner workings of me. The title, "Thoughts and Ponderings" really does explain wht this blog will be. Some times I may be humorous, and other times I may be a little angry or sad. I just pray that some of the things I say will be beneficial to those who read it. Happy reading!