Thursday, June 11, 2009


This is the last part of this post.. Please read part one and part two first, it is very important.
Where is all of this leading? The end of the dollar's importance in the world? A terrorist attack that cripples us? Chaos in the U.S.? Riots and turmoil in the streets that could lead to martial law? It is all leading to an inevitable one world government, controlled not by the people, but by an elitest group that will control every aspect of world affairs. I know that this is a very dismal outlook, but I am going to give you some good news. Everything that we are experiencing has been talked about before. It was predicted that these things would happen a long time ago. And no it wasn't Nostradamus. The one who predicted all of these things was Jesus Christ himself. He stated in Revelation that a one world government would be setup and put in place. He told us that there would be wars and rumors of wars. He told us that knowledge would accelerate at an unprecedented pace. All of these things are happening right now. The world is being upended and shaken to its very core. Those who have their trust in Jesus know that these things must happen in order for Him to return. I plead with those that read this, please let Jesus be your saviour. He can and will take the turmoil in your life and make your path straight. He can give you a peace in time of trial. God only wants to love you. If you only knew how much love he has for you, you would not be able to turn your back on him again. No matter what you've done, he loves you and wants to share His very being with you. God is not angry with you. His grace and mercy outweigh his wrath. His love outlasts his anger. His compassion for you undoes all the restraints that sin has put on you. Let Jesus in and He will change you. You don't have to try to be "good" because we cannot do it on our own, but through Him we can become what we we meant to be, a people in right standing with a loving God who will supply all of our needs. Pleas consider this before it is too late. Please don't let the world and everything that is going on over take you. Let Christ in and give you hope, while there is still time. no one knows the day or hour of His return, so please be ready. Let Jesus be your saviour.

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